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Sep 11, 2017

  • Bill Booth, UPTVector demi-god, headline interview
    Rob Lloyd Ask The Expert about your first camera helmet and stills camera
    Bill Legard Book Club recommendation is “Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War
  • Front Cover by Chris Cook of Tom Shorten over Skydive Langar
  • Back Cover of Brian by Clem Quinn in Bewl Reservoir
  • Nationals, Nationals, Nationals, Nationals (Tash and Rai won medals)
  • Worlds, Worlds, Worlds
  • Hilarious video mention of Jason Hobbs’ shoe coming off and attacking Emily Sugars under canopy. Video by Max Holmes.
  • No mention of Stefan Pacel, at all. Thanks to a recent request from Oli Ellis.
  • Swoop Challenge in Denmark (London 2019?)
    Eclipse jumps in the dark
  • A ‘tea leaf’ meets the ‘Old Bill’ thanks to Macca
  • Shunt, a novel by Stubert Ferglestein, glowing recommendations flood in… “it’s not shit”. #shuntnotshit
  • Brian learns to check that jumps are fancy dress before turning up suitably attired.
  • Craig went to Germany for the World Cup. They started it. Then they stopped it. Then they started it. Repeat to fade…
  • Craig was driving past Skydive London, thought it would be rude not to pop in and say hi, two jumps later…
  • Tash flies to Raeford to Judge at the USPA CF Nationals
  • Rai tells you whether you should learn to freefly on slow or fast wind speed settings in the tunnel. No wait, she cops out and says “a bit of both”.
  • Brian had better weather in Czech Republic than Craig in Germany and loves the event video by Dan Girdea and Dave Clarke
  • Ep45 coming up in Sept featuring a full length interview with Norman Kent.

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